Friday, February 24, 2012

Fellowcitizens with the Saints

Sunday we went to church. The site indicated the meeting would be at 1:00 pm, at the closest building, Asoke Chapel, where we have worshiped before - and have even run into a friend from one of our former California wards there. It is possible to take the BTS commuter train, but we called a taxi to preserve a fresh Sabbath-day appearance in the heat.

Although we are far away, we found the same church we have at home. There was the usual group gathered in the foyer between meetings, and several people approached us to welcome us, some with the gesture, called the 'y' where they put their hands together as if to pray and pronounce the greeting, "Sawasdee krab/kaa," depending upon their gender. Most men were dressed in white shirts and ties - many wore suits.

We quickly found a sister missionary whose name tag was all in Thai. She is Sister Peterson from Rexburg, ID, and she and her husband are serving in the Employment Resource Service mission here. They also teach English. They had requested going to Central or South America, but they are very happy serving here.

We also quickly found out we were about to attend the Thai Sacrament Meeting. The English-speaking one (mostly for ExPats) had met earlier in the morning. Although it was the church Web site that led us astray, there are no accidents in the Church - this was the right meeting for us to attend. Several Thai members came forward to help us, offering English song books and introducing themselves. One sister shared with me that she had first become interested in the Gospel by hearing a missionary sing a song about Moroni, "An Angel From On High.' She said she felt something stir in her and had to investigate the Church after hearing him sing. I could well believe her story, because music is such a powerful conduit for the Spirit.

A kind Elder offered to translate the meeting for us. He did a wonderful job, and it was interesting to find out that, although he is Thai, he had gone to Utah as an exchange student in high school where he converted and went on to attend University of Utah for a short while before coming here to serve his mission. He is actually on his way to serve in Australia and is awaiting his visa for that country.

Although we did not understand a lot of the words spoken, The Spirit was as strong as it is at home. All the Young Men passing the Sacrament were dressed in white shirts and ties, and we knew the words of the Sacrament prayers were as closely followed as they always are and should be. The speakers gave heartfelt messages. The reverence in the chapel was striking, even though there were many young children present. I have not been is such a quiet chapel since I attended a Singles Ward in Denver with Carson.

The words of Paul's epistle to the Ephesians came to my mind and heart:
"And [Christ Jesus] came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh. For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father. Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God." Ephesians 2: 17-19

goldenbear70's honey
Bangkok, Thailand
24 February 2012

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