Monday, March 21, 2011

Two Steps Forward - One Step Back

After two or three frustrated attempts since the first of February to go west of California, we are on our way once again. It seems that everything has combined against our going to Australia - runway repairs at Travis; an unusually high number of Space A travelers; even an earthquake and tsunami - c'mon!

Packing has become a Groundhog Day-type chore - you would think I could have just left everything packed, but the dynamic changes with a seasonal adjustment and flying commercially vs. Space A. There is now no need at all to wear warm layers as we do for the military flights. And since we are flying most of the way Business Class, we do not need to pack any snacks!

We had a very smooth Space A trip to McGuire, arriving in time for Chase's baptism in Newtown, PA on 13 March. Afterward Andrew drove us to Dover on his way home [sort of] to Williamsburg from there. We stayed a couple of nights at the Air Force Inn and took a flight back to Charleston. In fact we were the only passengers on that plane. The next morning we attempted to get the scheduled flight to Riverside, but it was canceled and so was a subsequent flight to Dover, where we thought we could connect to a California flight. Carson has just moved to Los Angeles, and it would have been fun to spend a little time with him there but the AMC gremlins had other ideas.

Goldenbear70 always finds things to keep him busy with the yard, the pool, repairing a hole in our screened porch that a critter tore open, and even having a couple of attic exhaust fans installed in our roof. His biggest project, however, was to arrange a flight to Bangkok with frequent flyer miles and then a flight from there to Perth! Hooray, we are finally booked, and it looks like it might be a great trip after all.

This morning we flew to Dulles, where we are waiting for our connecting flight through Narita and on to Bangkok. Mark says I must keep these posts short, or he will not read them. How's this length, Markie?

goldenbear 70's honey

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