Sunday, February 12, 2012

Friday's Plan Executed Successfully

--shuttle to PHL; flight to SEA via MSP; light rail to The Westin in Downtown Seattle.

As we were going through Security at PHL, we had a chance meeting with Chris' Bishop, Steve Ross, who was with his three sons on the way to Steve's father-in-law's funeral. After checking in with Chris about seeing the Rosses, we connected a few dots to discover Jill's father had been Carson's Mission President for a short time at the end of Carson's mission in the Colorado Denver South Mission in 2004.

The second leg of our flight (MSP-SEA) had been overbooked, and we had volunteered to be bumped in exchange for two $400 travel vouchers. Unfortunately, the airline announced a delay due to mechanical problems, which sent passengers with assigned seats to wander the airport. When the flight was ready to go unexpectedly early, and those passengers were AWOL, and we took their seats, thus missing the bump compensation.

As we walked to the light rail station in the SEA terminal, a man called out to gb70 (who was customarily wearing his "Cal" cap), "Hey! Is you a REAL Cal fan?" Gb70 was just about to ignore him in favor of getting to the station, when he further called, "Number 91, Defensive Lineman!" Gb70 replied, "Deandre Coleman!" The man responded, "Dat's my son!!" The usual "Go Bears!" conversation ensued. That "Cal" cap has brought "Go Bears!" comments before in places as far away as Jerusalem, but this is the first time it has attracted a comment from a player's father.

The light rail ride (on The Link) from SEA to our hotel took about 45 minutes and cost us $5.50. It was clean and uncrowded.

It was raining when we arrived (not such a surprise for Seattle), but we only had to walk one block, and it was past Nordstrom. Living in Charleston, I have had a bit of withdrawal from being near Nordstrom, so I did not mind the walk at all. I did tighten down my waterproof hood on my black parka - makes me look like a seal, but it avoided "lionizing" my hair. That's a term I picked up from my cousin, Courtney, and any girl with naturally curly hair will understand what it means.

We had a nice telephone chat with Pete and Carolyn, and we had planned to drive to visit them in Hood River, OR, but when gb70 told me the drive would be four hours each way, I reneged. I am saving myself for the flight Monday night when we will be traveling sardine class for hours measured in double digits. I am sad to report my epidural injection in my hip has thus far been unable to quiet the nerve pain in my left leg. This cross-Pacific flight will definitely require drugs.

Today we will meet for lunch with Toy's (our friend in BKK) children and grandchildren, who live in nearby Redmond. We are excited to see them. Gb70 is excited that the monorail (left over from the 1960 World's Fair) is just outside. He has been singing the "Monorail Song" from The Simpsons TV show, much to his honey's chagrin.

goldenbear 70's honey
The Westin Seattle
Saturday, 09:49

This the view from our hotel room.

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