Friday, February 10, 2012

Plan 'B'

I have said in the past that traveling Space A is the "unplan," and this trip is no exception. Last night we thought we would get up this morning, pick up our rental car, and head for McGuire, where we would get on a flight to McChord. That flight was cancelled.

After much effort on gb70's part researching alternatives, we rented a car and drove to Philadelphia Airport, where we are staying at the Sheraton Suites (like Embassy Suites, including the high-rise atrium lobby), once again benefiting from Carson's (thank you, Carse!) employee discount. Tomorrow we will take a Delta flight to SEATAC using some frequent flyer miles. That move should position us to continue with Plan 'A', which is to take the Patriot Express flight to Yokota late Monday night. Why we are not staying over in this area where we could enjoy our children and grandchildren for the weekend is a mystery to me, but it is not the way gb70 planned it. Since he did all the research, I dare not murmur...well, maybe just a little murmuring...

After such a harried day yesterday and a too-small bed last night, accompanied by inability to turn off the anxiety in our brains, we had a great nap this afternoon, followed by a lovely salad for dinner here in the hotel.

I have to give kudos to Hertz for their outstanding service today! In Dover, they were so accommodating, expressing concern over our frustrated travel plans, and offering us a great rate. When we arrived here at PHL to turn the car in, they offered the service of driving us to our hotel in the car we had rented. How nice not to have to wait for a shuttle and schlepp our bags from trunk to shuttle and off again!

goldenbear70's honey
Sheraton Suites, Philadelphia Airport
2252 on 9 Feb 2012

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