Monday, February 7, 2011

From Palm Trees to Snow in Just Over 3 Hours

The photo above is the All American [Air Force] Inn at McGuire AFB, New Jersey. We went south and east to go north, so we could go west--makes sense, right? We went to San Juan, PR last night with a great crew of a McGuire NJ-based C-17. Col Johnny Roscoe, Group Commander, and his crew gave us a great ride to and from San Juan, both last night and this morning. We were the only passengers on board, and we had the entire C-17 to ourselves. Business class has nothing on this!

Today Debbie helped land the plane in New Jersey! She went up into the cockpit about a half hour before landing, and sat behind the co-pilot for the rest of the flight. Her assigned duty was to watch for any other planes in the area through the (very) large windows on her right, and to inform the pilot and co-pilot if she saw any other traffic. She had a headset and mike on, and had a blast! She must have done well, because we landed without incident.

We were greeted by about a foot of snow on the ground in NJ--quite a difference from the 80 degree temperature in San Juan.

Tomorrow we're off to Travis AFB, California on a KC-10. Now it's "westward, west is calling..." on our way to Aussie-land!

All pictures of our trip can be found here:

More tomorrow,


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