Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Waiting at Travis AFB

We arrived at Travis AFB mid-morning on a beautiful, sunny day - the kind of day that makes us wonder why we ever moved from this beautiful state with its nearly perfect climate. Lodging was only a few blocks' walk from the terminal, and the accommodations here are superb, as they were at McGuire. Goldenbear70 spent some time lining up our next flight possibility, which turned out to be Wednesday, 2/9. Roger contacted us to say they would like to get together. They were kind enough to drive up from Clayton Monday evening to take us for a delicious dinner at BJ's Brewery. Regretably, I forgot to get a photo of the four of us.

While our trip has been on hold, we have taken a couple of brisk walks, checked out the Base Exchange, caught up on some reading, and goldenbear70 took Roger's advice to see the collection of aircraft at the Aviation Museum across the road from our lodging (see for his photos).

It looks like we might get a flight to Hickam tomorrow, but then again, we might not. There are two flights posted; each has ten seats available. We know ten people, including us, who are waiting for those seats - the same ones who flew here with us from NJ. There may be other hopeful passengers lurking about, and we do not know our relative priority to theirs - all depends when they signed up. The plot thickens, as the saying goes.

If we have to stay here longer, maybe we will get to see some of our Napa friends. There is always a silver lining if you look for it. Don't forget to check out the Aviation Museum photos.

goldenbear70's honey

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