Saturday, February 12, 2011


We are still at Travis AFB. Three or four of the "Hickalulu" flights have been canceled this week, and the prospective passengers keep flooding in here. We overlooked one critical bit in our planning (or lack thereof) - that February school vacations are affecting the volume of our competition for flights. Active duty families have priority over us. The weather is lovely, except one day when I thought the wind would blow me into the next county as we were walking the mile to the Air Force Regional Medical Center on base to try out their cafeteria for lunch. There was a point when the cross-winds were so intense, I could not feel my left nostril.

There is not much more I can buy from the Base Exchange without purchasing another piece of luggage, and goldenbear70 says that is out of the question! We have already been here long enough to do laundry, but there is no charge for the machines, which are on every floor of this lodge. We are getting in lots of walking (1/3 mile to the dining hall; 1/2 to the terminal; 3/4 mile to the BX, etc.). We found the $1 DVD rentals in the lobby last night too, so as cousin Lynn said in her recent e-mail, "Life in the waiting line is not too bad."

We watched "Social Network" last night, and I kept searching for the English subtitles. Between their fast-talking, computerese, and switching time periods, I could barely tell what was happening. The other movie we rented, "RED," was very entertaining.

Today might be the day, but it is doubtful, because there must be at least 50 passengers for the two seats on the one flight tonight. There is a flight to Elmendorf, AK tomorrow that will connect with Yokoda, Japan, so maybe that will be the one that gets us on our way. If not, there are two more flights scheduled for Sunday to HI.

Meanwhile, at least we are escaping the cold temperatures in Charleston.

goldenbear's honey, signing off - no new photos

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