Saturday, February 5, 2011

We're Off to See the Wizard - the Wonderful Wizard of Oz

We are embarking on perhaps the most circuitous route imaginable to Western Australia. Last night we called Charleston AFB and then drove over to get a flight to Dover, DE with the intent to connect on to Travis today. When we arrived at the terminal, we learned the flight had been re-routed to another destination. It is times like this that we are happy to live only five miles from the Flight Line.

Goldenbear70 spent hours on the phone and computer finding us a new itinerary. We got to watch our last Netflix film and sleep in our own bed one more time with the relaxed feeling that our bags were packed and already in the boot of the car. Today we are checked in for a flight to San Juan, PR. We plan to stay there tonight at the Courtyard (thank you for the discount, Carson), which is just outside the Base. The plan is to take a flight to McGuire tomorrow, stay another night, and continue on to Travis AFB in California on Monday.

From there, who knows? Elmendorf? Hickam? Yokoda? Singapore? We never know if we are even going to take off when we get on the plane with the engine running. Friends who we met on our last flight had to be disembarked emergency-style after an emergency abort to takeoff, so you see, we cannot predict what will happen. - the goal is to arrive in Perth, Western Australia in time to visit with our wonderful family and celebrate Aunt Muriel's 94th birthday with her on 4 March.

Goldenbear 70's Honey, signing off -
Stay tuned!

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