Sunday, February 6, 2011

We Don't Know Where We Are Going Until We Get Here

The van driver who offered to take our picture (above) after we landed did not really get the idea we were going for. We did not want a photo of us so much as one of us with the plane we flew on, which he sort of missed. I had to first close my left and then my right eye as we were staring straight at the late afternoon sun.

The flight was great! I read a bit on the computer - helps to have the back-lit screen when they turn down the overhead lights. I had downloaded the book I wanted to read, and I was able to plug in the laptop to keep it charged. There were only four other passengers on the flight, and I took a nap for almost two hours, stretching out on three seats and snuggling in with pillows and blankets - actually CLEAN pillows and blankets, unlike those on commercial flights. Our box lunches were the usual: po-boy sandwich, chips, candy bar, nutrition fruit bar,water and soda - not a bad deal for $4.

Goldenbear70 was invited to go to the cockpit and "fly the plane" (in the same way he helped build the New York State Thruway on his pedal tractor when he was three years old). He observed in-flight refueling, which he said was thrilling.

Here we are in San Juan, Puerto Rico where it is mostly rainy, so we did not bother to go to the beach, but it was raining when we left Charleston too, and it is a lot warmer here. I felt 100% better as soon as I changed out of my wool sweater and into a cool top. The planes are pretty cold during the flight (not much insulation and flying at 35K feet), so we have to bundle up.

We did take a good walk to check out The Ritz Carlton, where Alan stayed when he came here solo in December and there were no rooms here at the Courtyard - hmmmm? or so he said. It is a beautiful hotel, as you would expect. TAt their jewelry store, I selected a pair of Roberto Coin 18K gold earrings for Alan to give me for Valentine's Day, Mothers' Day, our 40th wedding anniversary and/or my 60th birthday later this year - so much gift-giving opportunity for him this year!

Walking back from dinner we heard loud whistling - sort of like a Bob-White. We asked the Courtyard lobby staff, and they said it is the tree frogs - who knew frogs whistle?

Be sure to check our Flickr account for photos:

That's it for Saturday.
Goldenbear70 & his Honey

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